Traveling to DUNE and Opening HIS HOUSE

Atredies. Harkonnen. Bene Gesserit.

No, these are not appetizer offerings at the hip new African fusion restaurant down the street. These are names you must know if you’re to dive into the new Dune movie and follow the plot. Otherwise, you’ll be playing catch-up throughout the two-and-a-half-hour film, just like our good friend Jake “Know-it-All” Roberson (who, despite his nickname, didn’t know a whit about Dune before stepping into the theater).

Jake and I will do our best to walk you through this sandy, spicy terrain, leading you past any lurking sandworms and to tell you whether this film is worth the journey.

And after we’re done shaking sand out of our shoes, we’ll step into merry Old England for a not-so-merry ghost story (and with a lot more depth than you might expect). That’s right, it’s my annual effort to get Jake to watch a horror movie, and I picked a good one for him this year: His House, now playing on Netflix. Did he actually watch it? Yes. Did he listen? Stay tuned …

And, in our ever-popular Most-Least Important Thing segment, we have a most-least important announcement. What is it? Only by snorting spice will the truth reveal itself.

Or by listening to the podcast, I guess.

So listen, learn, and perhaps laugh a little. We’ll be looking forward to sitting down and chatting at you for a spell.

~ Paul “Fanboy” Asay

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